Paul Vosbeek
Since the founding and launch of Real NewEnergy early 2010, Paul has been involved and responsible for the development of whole spectrum of clean technologies and projects including a small wind turbine technology, marine hydrokinetic turbine technology, a flywheel energy storage technology and a biomimicry-based micro-hydro technology .
Paul is the Founder and Director of the Board of OrangeGoesGreen, A 501(C)(3) focused on bringing Dutch resiliency practies to North America. Moreover, Paul is an Honorary Board Member of Bioneers and and Advisory Board Member of JustDiggit, both environmentally driven non-profits. Paul currently serves as the Managing Director for Energyworx USA.
Paul transferred to Washington D.C. in September 2006 to set-up the US operations for a leading Dutch supplier of specialized machinery for the destruction of currency, coin and classified information media. Prior to that, Paul was running his own consulting company, Vosbeek Consulting which was specialized in international energy, environmental and agricultural technology transfer projects.
Paul holds a Bachelor degree in International Business obtained in 1992 at the Higher School of Economics in Groningen, the Netherlands and the Ryerson University of Toronto, Canada.